How To Date As An Expat

Living abroad is one of the most exciting things that you can do. But it can also be incredibly daunting. You’ll meet a lot of new people right away, but after the initial burst it can be hard to grow your social network.

And it can be even harder to find someone to date.

So as The Inner Circle is all about getting people off their phones and on actual dates, we’ve put together our top tips for dating as an expat. Wherever you are, and whatever you’re looking for, here's what to look out for:

Take your time

Frankly, patience is something that people should remember when dating whatever their situation. Yes, it would be amazing if you met “The One” right away, but realistically that’s never going to happen. And even if you did, that may not be a good thing as you’ll have nothing to compare it to.

Take your time, try not to rush, and definitely don’t settle. Get comfortable with your own company, and know there are so many new people you haven’t met yet. The only pressure is the pressure you put on yourself.

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Put yourself out there (and don’t be scared of going digital)

It’s simple to say, harder to do, but it’s 100% true. You’re only going to meet people if you put yourself out there and try. Work is good, bars are great, but for expats digital is best.

On The Inner Circle, you can filter on language, share where you’re from, and in general dating apps tend to be full of other expats too! Especially in high migration cities, this can be amazing as you’ll definitely have at least one thing in common.


Once you’ve put yourself on there, you’ve just got to commit and follow through. You’ll never get to know someone if you stay on your phone forever, and if you met IRL you’ll never start dating them if you don’t be bold and ask them out.

It’s really that simple.

We set up The Inner Circle to be a toolkit not a game, designed around actually getting you sitting down in front of a person and seeing if you click. And as an expat, you’ve got to be even bolder and throw yourself into it. Have patience, have confidence, and most importantly have dates.

Register for the app here, and get out there in your new city!

Being an expat is an incredible experience, so let us know how you’re finding the dating scene!

*** Using The Inner Circle during the COVID-19 outbreak ***

The spread of coronavirus (COVID-19) may present a risk to those meeting offline in some regions. At The Inner Circle, we are encouraging all of our members to stay informed and follow the World Health Organisation guidelines. Please take the most up to date information from your local health authority into account when deciding to meet anyone via our platform over the coming weeks, and avoid any unnecessary risk.

The Inner Circle is the dating app for actual dates. With popular spots, incredible events, and each profile manually verified, you can reach out and get together in real life.

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