It’s Never Been A Better Time To Reach Out To Someone New


At Inner Circle, we’re doing our best to focus on the positives during this strange and unsettling start to the year. And as an app that's fundamentally about communication and reaching out to someone new, we thought we’d share some ideas on how to fight off loneliness and maybe help someone else too:

Reach out to a stranger

It can be someone on a dating app, or as simple as talking to your neighbour (not in person though, safety first!). Reach out over whatever digital communication you have available, and just say hi. Everyone has something unique to offer, and you might be amazed by what you learn from someone you might never have spoken to otherwise.


You know those friends you have from school or a previous job that you have on your social media, but haven’t spoken to in far too long? Send them a message! Or do one better, and give them a call. Texting is great, but hearing someone's voice is so much better. Be optimistic about it, if you’re worried it might be weird then try not to let it be as thinking it’s weird is what makes it weird. These are people who already know you and will almost definitely appreciate the contact, and the longer it’s been the more you have to catch up on! 

Share the love

We’ve written a whole article on dating during the outbreak (you can find that here) and we stand by everything in it. Inner Circle is here, and so are plenty of singles for you to digitally meet and feel a little less isolated with. But again, don’t plan an IRL date just yet.

If you haven’t recently, clean your phone now, and then register for Inner Circle here.

*** Using Inner Circle during the COVID-19 outbreak ***

The spread of coronavirus (COVID-19) may present a risk to those meeting offline in some regions. At Inner Circle, we are encouraging all of our members to stay informed and follow the World Health Organisation guidelines.

Please take the most up to date information from your local health authority into account when deciding to meet anyone via our platform over the coming weeks, and avoid any unnecessary risk. 

Popular spots, amazing events, and with every member screened, Inner Circle is the dating app built from the ground up to help you Meet your match.

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